Gen Ai companies will use these terms to appear ethical. This is what they really mean. (P.A.S.E.E.L.F)

Publicly Available data 

  • Scraped everything from the internet, including copyrighted works (we think this is the same as Public Domain, it is 100% not)

Artist Opt Out list

  • We scrape everybody else that doesn’t know how to opt out or agree with opting out

Synthetic Data

  • We launder data/pixels by using outputs from other GenAi image models

Ethical Data

  • We scrape using the methods mentioned above

Ethically sourced

  • We scraped everything from the internet

Licensed Data

  • We paid another GenAi company to give us data collected, using the methods above. (Don’t ask us if Artists, Musicians, Writers, Actors, Patent holders have been paid, we don’t even know who they are)

Fair Use

  • We are generating derivatives of everything we scraped from the internet